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Charity & Community Work

Working Together for the Greater Good
  • Feeding Families

    For every online order made; a household of 4 is fed for the day ensuring your purchase makes a difference to the greater community

  • Tree Planting Initiatives

    Feel good about your purchase, knowing that for every online order; a tree is planted to ensure your purchase is carbon neutral

  • Clean Waterways

    To help keep our waterways clean; Trident Tank will remove 1kg of plastic waste from our waterways for every online order made












Frequently Asked Questions

Is the device easy to use?

The device is incredibly easy to use and beginner friendly. No extensive training is required and if you follow the simple instructions provided with your purchase you will be in the water and operational in mere minutes.

How long can I stay underwater?

The tank capacity is 0.5 litres of compressed air and can hold approximately 10 continuous minutes of air.

The length of time required between refills very much varies person to person. This is because each individuals breathing rate differs greatly under exercise.

We highly suggest utilising a controlled breath in order to lengthen the time between refills for a superior experience.

How deep can I dive using the device?

It is recommended to keep diving to a maximum depth of 2-3 metres.

The device is tested and holds diving certification to a depth of 50 metres, however it is advised and recommended to restrict depth to 2-3 metres for the health, safety and well being of users as they are not scuba certified.

How long does it take to refill the tank?

The tank takes approximately 10 minutes to refill and requires no power source to do so.

However a compressor can be used to shorten the timeframe for refills for those who want to reduce the energy expelled through pumping.

How do I know how much air is left in the tank?

The unit is equipped with an easy to read pressure gauge that can be checked on the go at any time.

Can I fly / travel with the device?

Yes you can. For flights, simply remove all the air from the cylinder and unscrew the regulator. You may also need to declare that the cylinder is empty and open if asked.

It is also worth noting that we recommend avoiding flights within 24 hours of using the device to avoid sickness caused by the changes in cabin and underwater pressure.

Does the device have a offer a warranty?

Yes it does! The device is covered by a 12 month warranty. You can find more information in the User Manual.

How often should I service the device?

We recommend an annual visual inspection and hydrostatic testing every five years, or any time a cylinder is damaged.

If a cylinder is used frequently in warm, humid climates, the inspections should be performed more frequently.

The cylinder should be inspected internally and externally for pitting, corrosion, dents, scrapes, cracks or other damage. 

The cylinder is just like a normal SCUBA cylinder, failure to properly care for it can lead to dangerous consequences. Please note that depending on where you’re located, different national standards may apply. 

Where are you located?

Trident Tank is an Australian based company that is located in the heart of the Gold Coast.

Our head office and distribution warehouse is based in Burleigh Heads where we service all of Australia including our International customers.